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How School Choice Benefits N.C. Businesses and Our Economy

  • Education options boost economic vitality in a community.

  • School choice options—like charter schools, magnet schools, and private schools—attract families to the neighborhoods in which schools of choice are located.

  • Some research indicates that parents are attracted more strongly to the community or neighborhood in which their child’s school is located than the location of the parent’s workplace.

  • Families that utilize school choice options are likely to be more involved in their child’s education, more stable and dependable at work, and more invested in their community.

  • School choice programs save money for state and local governments, because they free up resources for other local and state needs. (

  • Supporting a robust school choice environment, which includes public and private school options, is a positive expression of corporate social responsibility.

  • School choice programs provide stability for communities and families and opportunities for economic growth.


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